Tie Pi Shi Hu 鐵皮石斛, Dendrobium Officinale, Dendrobium Powder, Shihu
Buy bulk herba Tie Pi Shi Hu 鐵皮石斛枫斗, Dendrobium Officinale, Dendrobium Powder, Shihu Online Direct From China. We are a professional natural Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb supplier, specialized in online retail best quality Bulk TCM Herbal, welcome you! Contact Us To Buy More Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (中藥材 TCM yao cai) at the best price online Direct From China Herbal Tea Supplier.
Product Description:
- Product Name: Dried Herba Dendrobium Powder
- Latin Name: Dendrobium Officinale
- Common Name: Huo Shan Shi Hu
- Chinese Name: Tie Pi Shi Hu 鐵皮石斛
- Origin: Zhejiang Province
- Package: Bag
- Storage: Keep in cool, dry and no light place
Read More Info. About It (In English):
Dendrobium officinale, also named Shih-hu, is actually the stem of an orchid native to South and Southeast Asia. It has been used for medicinal purposes in Chinese culture for many centuries.
Dendrobium Officinale is a very unique orchid as it grows on rocks, trees, or even cliffs. Thus, it has developed specific adaptations for acquiring essential nutrients to survive.
How to eat?
1. Normally Stew with ginseng to serve as Soup
2. Grind into powder forms and serve with hot water
Storage Conditions:
Clean, Ventilating, Dry Place.
You are highly recommended to consult your health care adviser prior to ingesting.
Read More Info. About It (In Chinese 中文介绍):
为兰科植物环草石斛 、马鞭石斛 、黄草石斛 、小美石斛或金钗石斛的干燥茎,石斛喜在温暖、潮湿、半阴半阳的环境中生长,对土壤要求不甚严格,野生多在疏松且厚的树皮或树干上生长,有的也生长于石缝中。
【性味】 味甘,性微寒
【归经】 归胃、肾经
Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a trained health care practitioner.
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