Zi Ran Tong 自然铜, Pyrite, Medicinal Copper, Pyritum
Buy Zi Ran Tong 自然铜, Pyrite, Medicinal Copper, Pyritum Online Direct From China.It is an excellent source of Chinese medicine. Contact Us To Buy More Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (中藥材 TCM yao cai) at the best price online Direct From China Herbal Tea Supplier.
Product Description:
- Product Name: Pyrite
- Latin Name: Pyritum
- Common Name:Medicinal Copper
- Chinese Name: Zi Ran Tong 自然铜
- Origin: Yunnan Province,China
- Package: Bag
- Storage: Keep in cool, dry and no light place
Read More Info. About It (In English):
- This herb is most often used in pills or powders but can be used in decoctions if pulverized.
- Ground and mixed with wine, it anchors and settles the Spirit manifesting as palpitations and anxiety
- It is commonly used to treat External and traumatic injuries by reducing swelling, relieving pain, and facilitating and speeding recovery from broken bones.
- Calcined Pyritum Duan Zi Ran Tong is stronger at dispersing Stagnation and stopping pain.
Read More Info. About It (In Chinese 中文介绍):
自然铜概述(散瘀止痛 接骨续筋)
别名 石髓铅、自然铜粉、煅自然铜
【性味】 味辛,性平。
【归经】 归肝,肾经。