Trametes Cinnabarina, Hong Shuan Jun 红栓菌
Buy Trametes Cinnabarina, Hong Shuan Jun 红栓菌 Online Direct From China. Used as a famous medicinal fung in ancient china, produced fungal substance from which clear paste and further isolated proteoglycan had been extracted. Contact Us To Buy More Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (中藥材 TCM yao cai) at the best price online Direct From China Herbal Tea Supplier.
Product Description:
- Product Name: Hong Shuan Jun
- Latin Name: Trametes Cinnabarina
- Common Name:朱红栓菌
- Chinese Name:Hong Shuan Jun 红栓菌
- Origin: Jilin Province,China
- Package: Bag
- Storage: Keep in cool, dry and no light place
Read More Info. About It (In English):
Can be medicinal, fruiting body heat dehumidification, anti-inflammatory, detoxification effect. Powder in the wound can stop bleeding. The inhibition rates for the mouse sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich 's cancer were 90%. Zhu Hongtao bacteria can be converted to tibainine (theoine a papaverine), access to new painkillers. Zhu Hongtao bacteria damage a variety of broad-leaved trees, causing wood decay. Infringement began to be orange, late for the white decay. In the mushrooms, fungus cultivation of the section of wood, often appear in this bacteria, is a common species of wood bacteria "bacteria."Read More Info. About It (In Chinese 中文介绍):
可药用,子实体有清热除湿、消炎、解毒作用。研末敷于伤口可止血。对小白鼠肉瘤180和艾氏癌的抑制率均为90%。朱红栓菌可以转化蒂巴因碱(theoine 一种罂粟碱),获得新型止痛药。
【药 名】:朱红栓菌 【来 源】:为菌类植物药多孔菌科植物朱红栓菌的全草。 【功 效】:清热解毒。 【主 治】:用于治疗痈疽疮疖、咽喉肿痛、跌打损伤诸症。 【性味归经】:涩、微辛,温。入肝经。 【用法用量】:内服:6一12克,水煎服。 【别 名】:红栓菌、朱砂菌、胭脂栓菌、枯皮蕈、胭脂菰(《新华本草纲要》) 【动植物资源分布】:分布于黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、河北、河南、山西、陕西、甘肃、青海、新疆、江苏、安徽、浙江、江西、广东、广西、湖南、四川、贵州、云南、西藏等省区。 【拉丁名】:Trametes cinnabarina (Jacg) Franeh 【考 证】:始载于《新华本草纲要》。 【中药化学成分】:全菌含朱砂菌酸、朱砂菌素、朱红栓菌素(tramesanguin)等。