Ci Li Gan 刺梨干, Dried Roxburgh Rose VC Fruit Tea, Fructus Roxburgh
Buy Dried Ci Li Gan 刺梨干, Roxburgh Rose VC Fruit Tea, Fructus Roxburgh Online Direct From China.It is an excellent source of Traditional Chinese medicine herbal. Contact Us To Buy More Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (中藥材 TCM yao cai) at the best price online Direct From China Herbal Tea Supplier.
Product Description:
- Product Name: Dried Chinese Fructus Roxburgh
- Latin Name: Rosa roxbunghii
- Common Name: Medicine Herba Roxburgh Rose Fruit
- Chinese Name:Ci Li Gan 刺梨干
- Origin: Guizhou Province,China
- Package: Bag
- Storage: Keep in cool, dry and no light place
Read More Info. About It (In English):
Sweet, neutral; large intestine and small intestine meridians entered.
Check diarrhea and dysentery.
Diarrhea and dysentery.
Fructus Roxburgh nutritional value and medicinal value is extremely high, the flesh of vitamin C content of all kinds of fruit crown, every 100 grams of flesh containing vitamin C2054-2725 mg, 500 times higher than apples, pear, citrus 100 times higher, Kiwi 9 times higher; vitamin P content is very high, every 100 grams of flesh with vitamin P5980-12895 mg, 120 times higher than citrus, vegetables, high 150 times. Called the king of fruit "Victoria C Emperor". It is also rich in vitamin B1, B2, E, K1 and other 16 kinds of trace elements, its function than the jujube 46 times higher than the total flavonoids content of ginkgo leaves 2.4 times higher. Rosa roxburghii is also known as "longevity anti-cancer" green fruit, containing anti-cancer substances and SOD anti-aging substances, but also with spleen digestion, digestion product, fullness, tonic kidney effect. Therefore, known as longevity fruit, so the research and development of thorn pear in the country once set off a climax, in recent years has been the attention of foreign countries, the United States, especially the development of this considerable value of the wild fruit trees. The development of thorns is broad and should be protected and valued.
Read More Info. About It (In Chinese 中文介绍):
刺梨概述(健胃 消食)
【归经】 归脾,肾,胃经
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