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Pleurotus Eryngii, King Oyster Mushroom, エリンギ, Xing Bao Gu 杏鮑菇

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Buy Pleurotus Eryngii, King Oyster Mushroom, エリンギ, Xing Bao Gu 杏鮑菇 Online Direct From China. Pleurotus Eryngii mushroom has antioxidants that help to keep disease away. The antioxidant in this mushroom comes in the form of an amino acid known as ergothioneine. When a person consumes the mushroom, the ergothioneine finds its way to the vulnerable areas of the body and sets off cleansing them.  Contact Us To Buy  More Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (中藥材 TCM yao cai) at the best price online Direct From China Herbal Tea Supplier.

Product Description:

  • Product Name: Dried King Oyster Mushroom
  • Latin Name: Pleurotus Eryngii
  • Common Name: エリンギ,French Horn,King Trumpet Royale
  • Chinese Name: 杏鲍菇
  • Origin: Jilin Province,China
  • Package: Bag
  • Storage: Keep in cool, dry and no light place

Read More Info. About It (In English):

Pleurotus Eryngii originated from the shores of Mediterranean Sea. It is therefore found in the Middle East and areas in the northern part of Africa. Other names used to refer to this mushroom include French Horn and King Trumpet Royale. Sometimes it is also called the Boletus of the Steppes, King Trumpet Mushroom or Trumpet Royale.
This mushroom is also found in Asia where they are farmed. Other countries that have undertaken to grow this mushroom commercially include Japan, South Korea, Italy, Australia, South Africa and the US. The mushroom’s Italian name is Cardoncello. It belongs to the genus of the Oyster mushroom and it happens to be the largest in that family. It has a tiny cap but its stem is thick and meaty.
Once harvested the mushroom does not go bad quickly. It is an edible type of mushroom that has a nice aroma. It is the one ingredient that a chef might want in the kitchen since it is not just large but very delicious. As one of the mushrooms that people grow for food worldwide, Pleurotus Eryngii ranks 3rd in amounts produced. It is a mushroom with generous amounts of nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre. This sounds much like a balanced diet and the mushroom is bound to keep people healthy.

Medicinal Properties
The Pleurotus Eryngii mushroom has antioxidants that help to keep disease away. The antioxidant in this mushroom comes in the form of an amino acid known as ergothioneine. When a person consumes the mushroom, the ergothioneine finds its way to the vulnerable areas of the body and sets off cleansing them. These sensitive areas include the eyes, the kidney and the liver. Antioxidants are elements that reverse oxidation. Oxidation is the process that causes rotting or disintegration of substances. For instance, the process of oxidation will cause a piece of meat to rot while the same process will cause body cells to disintegrate. Body cells do not necessarily rot after oxidation, but they create free radicals which essentially are damaged cells. Just like a damaged patch of a fruit causes more of the fruit to rot, so do damaged body cells. That is how cancerous cells spread. An antioxidant is very precious because it gets rid of these dangerous free radicals and the healthy cells are left in a healthy environment.
This mushroom also carries statins, which are disease fighting compounds. The particular compound found in the mushroom, Pleurotus Eryngii, is called Lovastatin. It is a compound that helps to clear cholesterol from your circulatory system. Once the blood is free of cholesterol, blood circulation is enhanced and the body feels healthier. A research done on mice in 2009 indicated that Pleurotus Eryngii has the effect of controlling insulin in the body too. These findings were also confirmed by research done by Richard Sullivan: University of Strathclude; Medicinal Mushrooms –Their Therapeutic Properties, Richard Sullivan, May 2002.
Cholesterol accumulates in the body usually due to poor feeding habits mostly through regular consumption of refined foods. Another way is through consumption of fibrous foods that have been cooked over high heat for long spells until the nutritional value is diminished.
This mushroom is also an excellent energy booster and many sportsmen are pondering how they can get a regular supply so that they can incorporate it in their diet.
Pleurotus Eryngii is also credited with improving blood levels. This is important in an era when the number of people suffering from anaemia is on the increase. The nutrients in this mushroom that help to raise the haemoglobin are considered invaluable in the medical field.
It is also reported that the Pleurotus Eryngii mushroom has antibacterial properties. There are very many diseases that are caused by bacteria including cholera and tetanus. So a plant that can fight bacteria is definitely a life saver. It becomes all the more significant because a natural remedy like a mushroom rarely has adverse side effects.

Other uses
The Pleurotus Eryngii mushroom has other uses that impact on health but in an indirect manner. The mushroom is a ligninolytic fungus that is able to remediate agricultural by products or actual waste to become healthy consumables for domestic animals. This ensures that farmers can rear animals for meat or milk cheaply. This in turn helps to raise people’s health when nutritious foods become affordable to many people.
In the same light, the mushroom, through its ligninolytic properties, helps to rid the environment of otherwise hazardous by-products. Among the material rendered harmless by the powers of this mushroom are contaminants that are a product of industrial activity. Others are organic pollutants. Xenobiotics are taken care of by the Pleurotus Eryngii mushroom in the same manner.

A Video About King oyster mushrooms with rice,just watch it:

Read More Info. About It (In Chinese 中文介绍):

杏鲍菇是开发栽培成功的集食用、药用、食疗于一体的珍稀食用菌新品种。菇体具有杏仁香味,肉质肥厚,口感鲜嫩,味道清香,营养丰富,能烹饪出几十道美味佳肴。还具有降血脂、降胆固醇、促进胃肠消化、增强机体免疫能力、防止心血管病等功效,极受人们喜爱,市场价格比平菇高3- 5倍。杏鲍菇与其他一般品种的平菇、香菇、鸡腿菇等的区别是:组织紧密、富有弹性、采摘后保存的时间较一般菇要长。杏鲍菇多糖作为一种特殊的免疫调节剂,在激活T淋巴细胞中具有强烈的宿主介导性,能刺激抗体形成,增强人体免疫力,发挥抗癌、抗肿瘤、降血脂的作用;杏鲍菇多糖对自由基引起的脂质过氧化均有一定的抑制作用。

All Our Raw Herbs Tea are dried, sterilized, tested, and packaged in vacuum-sealed bags or cartons.Please note that Herbs Tea consist of the actual whole, raw herb (i.e. fruit, stem, root, flower, mineral, etc.) and are not processed into powders, caps, caps or formulas. Whole Raw Herbs Tea DO NOT include usage information, as they are intended for professional herbalists and those customers who have the experience and knowledge necessary to safely prepare their own formulas.
Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a trained health care practitioner.
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