Xie Zi 蝎子, Dried Scorpions, Quan Xie
Buy Xie Zi 蝎子, Dried Scorpions, Medicine Quan Xie Online Direct From China. Medicinal uses of scorpions are amazing. Contact Us To Buy More Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (中藥材 TCM yao cai) at the best price online Direct From China Herbal Tea Supplier.
Product Description:
- Product Name: Dried Scorpions
- Latin Name: Buthus Martensii Karsch
- Common Name: Scorpio
- Chinese Name: Quan Xie 全蝎, Xie Zi
- Origin: Shandong Province,China
- Package: Bag
- Storage: Keep in cool, dry and no light place
Read More Info. About It (In English):
Scorpion is an arthropod animal that is of the order Scorpiones within the class Arachnida. There are around 1,500 types of scorpions throughout the world. And in China there are about 15 species, among which the most widely distributed one is the Buthus martensii Karsch. And the dried body of Buthus martensii is the main medicinal source. It is produced in Henan, Shandong, Hubei, and Anhui. It is usually caught in spring and summer. But the one captured between Qingming and Guyu is generally believed to be with better medicinal properties. After the capture, it needs to soak them with water first to let them spit out the dirt, place them in boiling water or boiling salt water until they become stiff, get them out, keep them in a cool, well-ventilated place, and let dried in the shade.
Scorpion facts on health benefits
As a traditional Chinese herb, scorpion has been used medicinally for more than 2,000 years in China. Thanks to the healing properties of scorpion venom, a toxic protein similar to snake neurotoxin, the medicinal uses of scorpions are amazing. It could yield surprising efficacy results in the treatment of nervous system diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, malignant tumors, stubborn viruses, etc. As a matter of fact, ancient physicians in China have discovered the secret of scorpion venom way earlier and believe that it is one of the best medicines for a dozen challenging or difficult-to-diagnose diseases, such as rheumatism, hemiplegia, tetanus, drooping eyelid and mouth, tuberculosis, scrofula, stubborn eczema, cancer, stroke, epilepsy seizures, sores, nephritides, angiosclerosis, hepatitis B, etc. As a result, currently there are over 100 scorpion-based herbal formulas and about 60 Chinese patent medicines, among which the famous ones are Zai Zao Wan, Da Huo Luo Wan, Qi Zhen Dan, Qian Zheng San, Die Da Wan, Jiu Xin Wan, Zhi Teng Wan, Zhong Feng Hui Chun Wan, etc.
Modern medicine has proved that scorpion contains 17 amino acids and 14 trace elements that are essential to human body. Hence, it is also a nutritious food. And the scorpion-based medicinal liquor and dishes are the most popular applications. Long-term use of them is believed to improve health and prevent cancer.
Modern pharmacological actions of scorpion 1) Both its venom and anti-epilepsy peptide (AEP) purified from its venom crude have a significant antiepileptic effect; 2) It has antagonism on convulsions caused by strychnine, nicotine, and Pentylenetetrazole; 3) Scorpion extract inhibits thrombosis and retards coagulation of the blood; 4) Preparations made of its body or tail have significant analgesic effect on animal somatic pain or visceral pain. But the analgesic effect of tail is about five times stronger than that of body; 5) Its water and alcohol extract can inhibit the growth of human hepatoma cells and colon cancer cells.
Read More Info. About It (In Chinese 中文介绍):
全蝎概述(息风镇痉 攻毒散结 通络止痛)
别名 虿、奎、杜伯、主簿虫、虿尾虫、全虫、茯背虫、蝎子
【性味】 味咸,辛,性平;有毒
【归经】 归肝经
本品头胸部与前腹部呈扁平长椭圆形,后腹部呈尾状, 皱缩弯曲,头胸部呈绿褐色,
Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a trained health care practitioner.
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